brayden's birthday party

brilliant. more for the parents then the kids. i mean, the kids had a blast. but what made this one of god's gift to parents was that we - the parents - actually had a chance to put our feet up every now and then... AND HAVE SOME ADULT CONVERSATIONS!
no guilt here. from none of the parents. we took pleasure in letting our kids run wild while we sat and drank coffee and talked and laughed and shared stories and laughed some more...
looking around, i honestly would not believe that, growing up with these people (some as early as kindergarden), we would one day be sitting around while our own kids played togther... sharing this parental-experience, while looking at each other with the same thought crossing our minds.
we're old. and this parenting this is constantly tiring.
oh yeah...
latest chaeli news... she has started to ask 'why?'
we're in trouble.
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